ABC’s of Creativity: Awareness

Throughout May, I’ll be sharing three ideas per reading on a specific aspect of our creativity. I call it the ABC’s of Creativity because I focus on topics that begin with an A, B, or C. If this leaves you hungry for more, my book Waves of Creativity provides an “A to Z” gathering of ideas on creating with God. 

Three thoughts on Awareness… 

An unexamined life leads to shallow creativity. The more you know your heart, the deeper your art can take others.  

Have you noticed your best creative projects reflect themes you’re wrestling with or passionate about? Creating this way shoves formula aside, infusing your art with greater authenticity by reflecting the journey you’re walking through, rather than what’s popular at the moment.  

Don’t create to be known. Create to know.

Want More? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity


ABC’s of Creativity: Balanced Life


ABC’s of Creativity: Awakening