ABC’s of Creativity: Balanced Life

Throughout May, I’ll be sharing three ideas per reading on a specific aspect of our creativity. I call it the ABC’s of Creativity because I focus on topics that begin with an A, B, or C. If this leaves you hungry for more, my book Waves of Creativity provides an “A to Z” gathering of ideas on creating with God. 

Three thoughts on a Balanced Life… 

What is the allure of a balanced life? Everything isn’t equal. Live unbalanced by spending an abundance of your time on what matters most.

The art of soul care involves regularly saying no to many things so you can say yes to the people and projects that matter most. Getting it all done isn’t a realistic option. Being fully present when it counts is.

The busier life gets, the more tempting it is to measure who you are by what you do. But that’s a trap.
Busyness is a poor measure of significance. God is more interested in your internal transformation than your external performance.

Want More? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity


ABC’s of Creativity: Beginnings


ABC’s of Creativity: Awareness