Looking Glass or Mirror?

Most art is like a mirror. It reflects back the image of the artist, revealing how they see the world, God, and themselves. 

But art with an eternal spark does more. 

Rather than a mirror, it acts as a looking glass.

Instead of just reflecting our own image or the current state of the world, it allows others to see God, hope, life, and future possibility through a new lens. 

But that type of creativity requires us to spend more time with God than social media or pop culture. When we do, God will reveal the new and not yet. But notice it requires a conversation. We have to ask. 

Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come. (Jeremiah 33:3 NLT) 

Enjoy the view as God shows you what you could never have known on your own...but don’t stop there. Let your art be a looking glass by which others can catch a glimpse of God and things to come.

Want more? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity today!


Timeless Art Takes Time


The One Who Knows You Best